Common Dialogs

Ashley Tyler

New Member
Can anybody please help. I have a requirement to use the File Open common dialog in my Progress Application. This I would have thought would be simple enough due to the ActiveX comdlg32.ocx control. Upon using this I have a Valid COM handle to the object, but when I try to execute the ShowOpen() command it simply does nothing.

Is there a specific 4GL common dialogs control that I can use, or can somebody shed a little light on my problem.

Many thanks in advance,

Ashley Tyler.
Hi ,

Here is a simple 4GL code you can use:

def var l-file as char no-undo.
get-file l-file

Best regards,


New Member
Wow !!

I was trying to do exactly that with the common dialog OCX, and I did get it to show up and all, but whenever the user clicked the CANCEL button, an error message box would show up.

I'm very pleased that Progress provided us with a native interface to the Windows Common Dialogs.


Luc Morin