Question Coding Standard For Performance Improvement

How do i improve performance by using better coding ?
related to a module running in multi stream by using app server either asynchronous or not .
can you all please suggest me a way to improve my coding performance ..
Thank you.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
The biggest factors that affect performance are:
  • Reading more records than necessary
  • Running code unnecessarily
  • Not tidying up after yourself
You need to look at tuning your queries. There's tools out there, but you will want to analyse what records are read vs what is actually returned to the user.
You need to profile your code.
You need to make sure everything you create/connect is destroyed/disconnected when it's no longer needed

This should get you started at least: Query Tuning - James Palmer
Cringer- Thankyou for your comments. query tuning - james palmer material is very useful to identified myself where can i tun a quires which taking more time.