Closing Window and Passing Output Parameters


What is the preferred way to close a dialog-box and pass the output parameters back to the original program? I have my main program which is a dialog-box as well that, on button-click, opens a subsequent dialog-box with inputs and waits for the user to fill out the dialog-box form to pass the outputs back to the original. What command should I tie to the "OK" button to pass these variables back to the original and close the program?



Active Member
If you are using output parameters (which you should) when running the .w all you have to do is make sure the parameters are set before the close.


If you are using output parameters (which you should) when running the .w all you have to do is make sure the parameters are set before the close.

Yes I'm using input/output parameters. What trigger do I use to close the window though? I normally use quit but when I had it quit, it closed out both my current and original windows.


Active Member
QUIT means quit the session. Look at the close button trigger and mimic that. APPLY "CLOSE" TO THIS-WINDOW or something similar.