Clearing Fill-in help message.


New Member
I have a simple character interface that allows the user to supply some input data and then press F1 to accept the input form and do some processing. During the processing I hide the input form and display a wait message. However, the help line for the last input field on the form continues to display at the bottom of the screen. In fact, it alternately appears and disappears which is very distracting. I don't seem to be able to clear that help message from the screen bottom.

I'm using a define frame statement with a fill-in widget and a help message definition. I perform a hide all statement before displaying the wait msg. The help message for that last fill-in widget however, continues to flash at the bottom of the screen.

Can anyone help?

Thanks, Keith.


New Member
Try adding a status default and/or status input line. For instance:

status defualt "processing...".

or even

status default "".



New Member
Good suggestion. Unfortunately, it didn't make any difference. That very last line on the screen still continues to display the help message.

I've discovered that the reason it flashes on and off is that it disappears whenever I call an outside procedure and reappears when control returns to the calling procedure.

Thanks though, that was a good try.


New Member
If status default doesn't work try status input.

status input "Your message here".

You could also try changing the help message for the field in question:

YourField:HELP = "".


Junior Racer
Clear help-string using space.

Hello, Keith!

Try to do all, that say Christopher H. Morgan,
but instead "" use " " (", space, "). In my applications only spaces success clear status line.