Question Class use statistics


Good afternoon progress people!

So I know that progress has run statistics for procedures via -y startup parameter. Is there anything like this for classes?



Well-Known Member
What makes you think that -y does not work for classes? (apart from the manual only taking about procedures). Remember that a .cls also compiles to r-code.

               Thu Dec 21 21:31:38 2017

Progress Startup Parameters:

-pf c:\progress\oe11.6\,-cpinternal ISO8859-1,-cpstream ISO8859-1,-cpcoll Basic,-cpcase Basic,-d mdy,-numsep 44,-numdec 46,(end .pf),-y,-p go.p

Progress client startup options:

 -A  = 0      | -d  = mdy    | -D  = 100    | -h  = 7      
 -hs = 0      | -Mpte = 0    | -Mxs= -1     | -nb = 100    | -Nb =0      
 -NL = 0      | -o  = printer| -p  = go.p
 -q  = 0      | -Q  = 0      | -s  = 40     | -T = 
 -t  = 0      | -TB = 8      | -TM = 8      | -yy = 1950   | -25 = 0      

DataServer startup options:

 -nojoinbysqldb =    0      
 -SQLlogging =       0      
 -noSQLbyserver =    0      
 -noindexhint =      0      

Execution buffer map:            21:31:38
    Size        Name
    ----        ----
    1330        go.p
    1624        my.cls
Program access statistics:    Times        Bytes
Reads from temp file:             0            0
Writes to temp file:              0            0
Loads of .r programs:             0            0
Saves of compilation .r's:        0            0
Compilations of .p's:             2         2954
Checks of files with stat:        6            0

Memory usage summary:       Current    Max Used       Limit (Bytes)       
Stack usage (-s):               112        4648       40960
Local buffer usage:              64          96
R-code Execution Buffer:       3200        3200     3170304

Segment Descriptors Usage: (numbers)     
    Max Used:       10     Limit:      480
