Check if another user has changed data

Hi all

I've got a question about datasets.

I'll try to explain it with an example:

you start a program, you get temp-table X with a field A which contains value 3.
you update field A in your program to value 5.

the before temp-table has field A with value 3
the temp-table has field B with value 5

when you save the dataset, it checks which fields are changed. So he will change field A from 3 to 5.
But, if someone else changed field A to 4 and already saved it to the database, you will overwrite it from 4 to 5 instead of 3 to 5.

Is there any build-in function/procedure, of does someone has a procedure, which can abort your save, and gives a message that the current value is changed.


Did you try this already ?
If you are using save-row-changes for this, it will throw an error when that occurs.