Change GL Year and Period in History Files


New Member
My company wants to change to a new fiscal calendar going to a true calendar year. They are currently July to June. Here is the kicker, they want to do so retroactively.

Can I just go into all files with year, period, and effective date and change 6 months of records around to match the new regime? Are there any files which contain totals that must also be updated?

2010 began on July 1 2009. I need to go into all records with effective dates from July 1 2009 throu 12/31/2009 and change year from 2010 to 2009, and change the period to reflect 13-18 instead of 01-06. Then I need to change all records with effective dates 01/01/2010 thru today to reflect period 01-06 instead of 07-12.

Any checklist of files etc. appreciated.

As always, thanks,

- Joe


New Member
Alex -

Thanks, I need to first delete the old calendar records for this year. The maintenance screen will not let me because of active transactions in the period. I will therefore do so with a Progress program as follows:

for each glc_cal
where glc_year ge 2010:
delete glc_cal.
for each glcd_det
where glcd_year ge 2010:
delete glcd_det.
for each qad_wkfl
where qad_key1 = "glcd_det"
and qad_key2 gt "200901299":
delete qad_wkfl.

Then rebuild the calendar the way I want it.

Then run 36.25.39 as you suggested.

All in a test environment, of course!

One more question: Is it ok to have any unposted transactions while I am doing the above?


- Joe