can't define a parameter


New Member
This may sound crazy but when even trying a simple statement this wont compile in either progress 8 in unix and 9 in windows.

DISPLAY int-param LABEL "Integer input param"


** Unable to understand after -- "DEFINE". (247)
** One or more missing keywords in DEFINE statement. (404)
** Could not understand line 1. (198)
** Unknown Field or Variable name - int-param. (201)
** Could not understand line 1. (196)


It does sound crazy badass.

Check you have no special (invisible) characters in your text.

Apart from that, all I can think is that you have something you shouldn't in your keyword forget list (eg. INPUT/PARAMETER, etc.), or Progress isn't installed properly.
Thanks Knut although its two different progress installs i have. Darrell if you dont have anything good to say maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

anyone else got any ideas.
Does anything compile at all?

It's worth seeing what works, then seeing what breaks down. It's also worth retyping things that fail, in case there are extra characters messing things up.

Try something like the following to see if any ofthem fail, then add mroe and more.

If they all fail, can you reinstall progress?

/* ----------------------------------------------*/
display "hello".
/* ----------------------------------------------*/
message "hello" view-as alert-box.
/* ----------------------------------------------*/
def var hello as char initial "hello".
display hello.
/* ----------------------------------------------*/
Everything usually is compiled.
def var a as char ..... etc are all ok and we have all our programs like that its just parameters.



The Badass progress programmer
Have you tried abbreviating it to INPUT PARAM and se if that works?

Can you put input parameters in procedures? Do they work OK?

What about output parameters or INPUT-OUTPUT parameters?

Seems a bit odd. Have you tried starting a brand new program and just putting a single line DEF INPUT PARAM inp_param as INT. to see if that works?
I copied & pasted your code and it worked fine.

Are you sure that you're strying to compile the very same code that is posted? I can, for instance, get the very same errors spewed if I change the "I" in "INPUT" to a "1" (numeral one)...
badass ( cool name ),

i think i've seen this before. maybe theres some other error, even though
the compiler say its this one.

could you start a new file, type in just those statements and see if that
works, just to be sure ?
Hi Mark,

You haven't done anything daft like create a table in your db called "parameter" have you ???? :blush:

darell ?? you're only making yourself look foolish

any reason you're so frustrated, technology, childhood issues ?
darell ?? you're only making yourself foolish

any reason you're so frustrated, technology, childhood issues ?

It was technically incorrect, not childish.

Darrell, you can't define database entities with the same names as keywords (unless they've been disabled with -k, I reckon).
I know of a db with a table named the same as a key word, no idea how or why but it's there. The "daft" bit must have lost something in translation, although childish wouldn't be too far out as Mark does only look about 12 years old.
although childish wouldn't be too far out as Mark does only look about 12 years old.

Hey, I've got a great idea! I'll come to a forum as a newbie, make an unhelpful first post, then insult the thread starter for no apparent reason!

I withdraw my last post Joey.

Darrell, do you know bboymarko in the real world or something, or is it just his (ironic?) 'badass'/'bboy' references you object to?
I know of a db with a table named the same as a key word, no idea how or why but it's there.

It's not something I've tried, but no doubt you can do this by using the keyword forget list (as previously suggested), or by updating the schema without going through the data dictionary.
where do you put your define input parameter statement?

you may for example not put your define input parameter statement in a function definition