Calling Services


New Member
Good day everyone...

I was wondering if anyone out there could point me in the right direction?

Here is my situation, Progress needs to be able to offer and get a service from other external apps. Don't know if I'm making any sense whatsoever here, like I said, I need directions?

The external application is using a three-tiered solution.
SQL Server
C Sharp

Thanking everyone in advance…
What are you calling a 'service' ? Something like a 'web service' ?

Progress can easily run windows Executable, but I'm not sure about Java, C Sharp and the others.
The obvious (and .NET way) is to create and use webservices. You can create a simple webservice in progress by using webspeed or if your progress app doesn't need to coexist with a webserver, just listen on port 80 and write a basic http server just for your webservice.

Bear in mind that you won't be able to 'link' this service easily from your .NET programs as the references to webservices are compiled in somehow. You'll need to write a WDSL description file for your service.

To be honest, I can't really say much more about this without more information about your situation, I'm really just guessing here.
I am having a similar problem. I need to be able to call a java process from the Progress 4GL. I guess you could say I need to write a program that will consume a web service. I have written things the other way around using the ProxyGen where you write a Progress API (if you will) that has a bunch or procedures in it to get data from the database and pass that data back to the calling Java process. If you are looking to allow access to you Progress database to external apps, this is a good way to go.

If anyone has any suggestions on consuming a web service from Progress, I would love to hear from you.
If anyone has any suggestions on consuming a web service from Progress, I would love to hear from you.
Hi Guys,

If you are using OpenEdge (Progress v10) you can consume a web service from within the 4GL/ABL itself (without the need for external tools or additional software).

OE10 also allows you to create a web service within Progress, but that is somewhat more tricky as you will need some external software to get this going (in fact, at the recent conference in Australia this part was not shown because they could not get it to work for some reason....).

The documentation you will want to consult regarding this is "OpenEdge Development: Web Services" in the OpenEdge electronic documentation set.

I am currently playing around with having Progress call a web service that I have created in C# .Net and yes, it does actually work! Sofar I have not been able to directly send a Progress dataset to the web service, but can do so by converting it to a longchar (using write-xml). The other way around (receiving a dataset from a web service) also works well through a longchar which you can then use to populate a Progress dataset with read-xml.

Hope this helps,
