Buttons and sensitivity

Hi All

Something weird I thought I'd share and maybe get an answer to.

I have many buttons in procedures that start other procedures. Quite often when I click one of these buttons, work in the window of whatever it was that was started, then close and return to the window with the button, the button has kind of gone in to a half selected, half not state. If I move my mouse pointer over the button, it moves up and down as if it is being clicked (ghost click) and then if I try and left-click it, it does nothing. In order to get it to work again I have to right-click on it, which in turn stops the ghost click. I can then left-click it normally. I would say this happens about every 5 clicks of the same button. Progress version is 9.1E, Windows XP Pro.

Any ideas?
I agree it's very weird it seems to me I saw this effect but not sure it was in progress application though.

btw I've got two questions:

Do you use the manifest file for prowin32?

Does the problem occur if you run your application on another PC?

I think it'd be more clear if you post your trigger code.
that and image going blank or something weird happening to them. but ive
also seen it in java and other non progress apps

interesting. can you post a short code sample and a series of action to take
that replicate the case
I've also seen this on a number of occasions, but I'd forgotten all about it until you mentioned it, because I haven't seen it recently, which may mean some sort of patch has eliminated it.

I haven't upgraded Progress since 1893, but I've installed various service packs and patches to Windows.

I've also seen this on a number of occasions, but I'd forgotten all about it until you mentioned it, because I haven't seen it recently, which may mean some sort of patch has eliminated it.

I haven't upgraded Progress since 1893, but I've installed various service packs and patches to Windows.


the general impression i had is it used to happen regularly in windows 98,
dont remember seeing it in xp