Browser clearing

Hi everyone,
i have a screen built as such. A smart window containing 3 smart objects. 1 toolbar, one viewer and one browser.

As this is a simple inquiry screen, the browser itself is my query.

The users are requesting a a "Clear" button be added. That button would clear the viewer and empty the browser of any data.

I tought that closing the query from the SmartWindow would do the trick but it doesn't

Is there a way to simply clear the buffer? Even if it's only visually?

Thank you very much!
CLOSE QUERY <query> should help.

Else, to simply hide the browse, you can use
<browse>:hidden in frame <frame> = true
But this will also hide the browser's column labels.One work-around is to empty the temp-table contents and run the query again, so that no records will be displayed in the browse.

It is NOT essential to know the ADM version.
The theory is to simply open the query to find no records matching the criteria (FOR EACH customer WHERE name = 'pantString') then display the results in the browse. NO records found to populate the browser.
This is a dirty method, though only a workaround until U find something more tidy.
Progress for tomorrow, today
I have to disagree here 'cos the ADM version you are running determines the way on how you can achieve this.

In ADM1 you may directly access the query associated with the browse widget whereas in ADM2 you should use the SDO's APIs to achieve this.

But, that's just IMHO, of course :cool:

Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Alright! I was able to figure it out!
I was indeed closing the Query but as such:

q_MyQuery:QUERY-CLOSE ().
This wasn't workin!

So used what David said:
CLOSE QUERY q_MyQuery. And it worked!
Only a few other glitched but i think those are linked to our software tools that are not used with this kind on behavior!

Thanks guys!