Broker Doubts



Is the term 'broker' different in Application and Database areas? Iam sure in Database only one broker manages one db's activities. When the term 'broker' is applied to application server or applications does it anyway relates to the activites of more than one database? How does a broker in AS manages multiple database activities like shared memory allocation, shutdown / startup of DBs, allocation servers to clients etc.

How does a broker in AS manages multiple database activities like shared memory allocation, shutdown / startup of DBs, allocation servers to clients etc.

A broker is like a manager. A database can have 1 or more brokers and the brokers handle the remote client connections to hte database. (the _mprosrv and _sqlsrv2 processes are managed by the broker).

(I assume with AS you mean Appserver):
With an Appserver the broker handles the Progress clients and connections to the Progress clients, which are started up. The _progres processes (clients), which are started handle there own connection or connections to 1 or more databases. The connections self are handled by either the database broker or through self-service client connections.

Thnaks Casper for your reply.

Is it anyway possible ( I *think* it is not) that a broker controls more than one database in any situation? Or is it possible to manage more than one database using appserver.

Any given database broker manages just one database.

An app server session can connect to as many databases as it wants to -- the connected databases aren't related to the app server per se but rather to the programs running in the session. Those programs are ordinary 4gl programs and can connect to whatever databases they want via command line arguments, .pf files or CONNECT statements.