Backup Script Problems


Progress v9.1A

I have been trying to create a script that will back up our databases. When I try and run probkup in online mode on our test machine it works just fine and the back up of the databases work. When I run the same script on the production machine I get the error There is no server for database <dbname>. (1423). I know that the databases do have servers running through progress explorer tool.

Now since the online backup was not working I tried to do an offline backup by shutting down the databases with dbman and then stopping the adminserver. Do the backup and then restart the adminserver. The problem I am having doing it this way is when it gets to the line in the script where it calls the probkup to do the backup of the first database I get an error The database <dbname> is in use in multi-user mode. What this means to me is that the database has not completely been shutdown when it tries to do the backup.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Here sample of online backup syntax we're using :

call proutil <dbpath\dbname> -C busy >><logfile>
call probkup online <dbpath\dbname> <savpath>\<dbname.bk> -com >> <logfilebk>

NB : dbname without .db extension


Thanks for that BONO, but when I ran it the proutil told me that the database was running in multi-user mode and the probkup still gave me the error that no server was running for that database.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
What OS?
Windows ...
You have Progess 9.1A sp...?

Any more error messages prior to the 1423?
Do you start the script at the server where the databse resides?
Is the word online or incremental in your pathname?



The server is running Windows 2003 Server. Yes the script is started on the server where Databases reside. No online or incremental are not in the pathname. I am using progress version 9.1A05.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
There are isues with 9.1A and these kinds of errors but none seem to apply to your case.
Maybe take a look at the folowing KB articles:

