Backup database


New Member
Hi everyone,

i'm newbie of admin progress and i don't know how make a backup of my database every night on unix server.

I want to make a scirpt that run with cron.

Is there anyone can help me?
You will want to use the "probkup" command.

Something like this should do the trick:

probkup online /dbdir/dbName /backupdir/dbName.pbk -com

That will create a backup on disk in a single file called dbName.pbk (so make sure that "large files" are enabled on both the db and the filesystem). -com "compresses" the backup in the sense that it does not copy empty space. If you want you can also save lots more space by gzipping the .pbk file after the backup finishes.

It is then up to you to script something to get the .pbk file onto tape or offsite or whatever the next stage of you strategy is.
It sounds like the DLC may not be set properly. One way to find your OE install directory (assuming you have only one...), if you have running databases, is to type:
ps -ef | grep _mprosrv

This will show you your running 4GL servers and brokers. In each line item you should see the fully-qualified path to the binaries, e.g. /usr/dlc/bin.

Assuming this is the path to the OpenEdge bin directory, you want to set the DLC environment variable to the parent directory of bin (/usr/dlc in this case), and you want the bin directory in your PATH environment variable. Remember to export them. Something like the following:
export DLC PATH

After you do that, you will be able to invoke probkup (or any other OpenEdge script or binary) from anywhere.
With this command:

ps -ef | grep _mprosrv

i have this output:

root 22109 1851 0 09:14 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto _mprosrv

How can i proced?
Obviously you don't know anything about Progress. Don't get mad at us but the purpose of this forum is not to provide basic education to people. I would strongly recommend you to follow the link that Cringer posted to get somewhat familiar with the product in the first place. Why do I say that: You don't have revealed anything about the system you are supposed to administer - therefore we could very well talk about a system that handles thousands of users, Terra bytes of data and millions of transactions per hour which must be available 24x7.

Therefore you need to find out
  1. The installation directory of Progress/OpenEdge: It should contain a file named sports2000.db or - search for that files on your file systems and you will find the directory.
  2. The installation directory contains a bin directory in which you will find the proenv script which sets the necessary environment variables and extends the PATH so that the shell will find the executables.
  3. Where the databases reside, which scripts are used to start and stop them.
  4. Whether a disaster recovery strategy is already in place and which scripts are used for it.
  5. Enhance/replace the disaster recovery strategy if you find it is not in line with the business requirement.
Creating a backup of a database, although one of the most important, is only part of a disaster recovery strategy. There you will find the "probkup" helpful and I think you won't find anybody in this forum advising against the usage of "probkup" in favor of OS copies.

Having said all that, I cannot emphasize enough that you either need to get the skills in self-study or better yet, get a training in order to successfully administer the database(s). If you, or probably your managers, don't find that necessary then I suppose that there must not be data of any value in your system.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
I'm going crazy: i found nothing on filesystem.

No db or file.

I found in /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main/ a folder named pg_xlog where there is log file.

Where i wrong?
Are you sure you have Progress installed? postgresql is not Progress.