Answered Automatic documentation of OOABL/Classes


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
So I getting into the whole OOABL programming in a big way. I spent the last two and bit weeks cutting code and I'm starting to find myself bogged down in methods and properties . I have so many I losing track of what public, what private, what methods have what parameters etc.

Is there any nifty tools which can generate a list of methods and properties in my class objects???
One only gets so much for free, of course, but contact Consultingwerk and Riverside software about their documentation tool.
One only gets so much for free, of course, but contact Consultingwerk and Riverside software about their documentation tool.
Thanks. I hoping for some Progress Professional Services utility kicking around.
If they had one, you would be unlikely to be able to get it. The one that Mike Fechner created with Gilles Querret is very good, however. It is currently limited to OO, but that's not a problem for you.