Automatic confirm PO?


Hi Guys,

We presently recieve all PO items to our system the same way (5.13.1).

What we would like to do is continue to recieve all stock parts in this way. All non-stock reciepts (i.e. servicing, call-outs, etc) we wish to recieve differently.

We would like MFG to automatically confirm the PO when it is created. Is this possible? If not is their an alternative within MFG?

Hi Guys,

We presently recieve all PO items to our system the same way (5.13.1).

What we would like to do is continue to recieve all stock parts in this way. All non-stock reciepts (i.e. servicing, call-outs, etc) we wish to recieve differently.

We would like MFG to automatically confirm the PO when it is created. Is this possible? If not is their an alternative within MFG?

Do you mean automatically do PO receipt for memo item PO? or automatically genereate the PO from PR?

Shoam Boinus
Convert MFG/PRO reports to Excel with ONE click.
You can write a program, once the PO is created to create a temp-table with the records of the items that are not present in the "Item Master" then you can CIM it to 5.13.1 like Shoam advised, CIM is an automated program that writes data to the maintenance or transaction screens. If you get to know a programmer he would do it for you. If u want some help from me please message me with the requirement will write a program for you. And let me know the mfg/pro version u are using.
