Alternate to Fathom Replication


New Member
I am revisiting our DR plan, and am looking for some alternatives. We currently handle our progress database replication with home grown shell scripts to copy ai files form one server to another. This has gotten quite cumbersome and complicated.

I am interested what some of you others out there do to address this issue. Anyone find an alternate product to Fathom or OpenEdge Replication?

tamhas Sponsor
If you are currently making a copy of your production database for the purpose of DR, you should have a license for the DR server, which is currently priced at 50% of the production server. Fathom costs less than this and includes the DR license. Seems like a no brainer to me. :)

If one is in the kind of business where having a hot spare ready to go is important ... the usual reason people put the effort in to setting up a DR server ... then the cost of a OE Replication license is really just good insurance. Why cobble together some kludgey system when there is such a good solution available?


I'm curious -- AI log copying and roll forward shouldn't be all that complicated. Do you have some special wrinkles?