AI Circular


New Member
I recently have an interesting experience related to fixed and variable extents Dump & Load process of a database and make some tests before de real process and in one of the tests, I forgot to create fixed size database extents and the db was created with variable extents. The result: three and half larger execution time vs. fixed db extents. The server is an Intel / Windows with disks in RAID 5.
I think (like Ron) that there is a performance pay in using variable extents (at least for data extents) because the filesystem space negotiation between RDBMS and OS for each size increase of the files, but it must be more dramatic in certain environments (like Tom says).
Maybe the special subject in this case is the "software" RAID, generally slowest than hardware RAID.

Gabriel Flores


I'm certain that loading a database into variable extents would be painful :(

RAID5, "software" or "hardware" is, of course, making it even worse.