3 window app, how to reference down


New Member
hi everybody,
i´m about to develop an application which consists of 3 windows.
the first window contains the second window at page 1.
inside the second window there is another window placed at page 1.
now from the third window i want to reference the first window and run a procedure in it. does anybody have a suggestion to solve this problem and give a general way on how to address parents and their procedures ?

thx a lot
where ???

This APP looks like you will need to create + pass/store a handle. The syntax RUN bob IN which ever win(stored handle) looks good here. Storing v_hdl = THIS-PROCEDURE somewhere looks useful.
This should work I think.

From the 3rd window, you can get its container (the 2nd window) using:

h2W = WIDGET-HANDLE(DYNAMIC-FUNCTION('linkHandles':U, 'Container-Source':U)).

Once you have the handle to that you can call the same function in the 2nd window to get the first window:

h1W = WIDGET-HANDLE(DYNAMIC-FUNCTION('linkHandles':U IN h2W, 'Container-Source':U)).