10.2a - 10.2b compatibility


can anyone confirm whether code compiled under 10.2a will run under version 10.2b (assuming no other changes).


Unless Progress has changed the rules, but I don't think so as it has always been that way, code compiled 10.2A will run in 10.2B.

Is there a specifiy reason why you don't want to re-compile?

Regards, RealHeavyDude
thanks for the quick response 'Dude.

I've not been told the reasons but I think it's to enable them to do a staggered upgrade from 10.2a to 10.2b.

Just spoken with my boss to clarify what he wants to know, and it's actually the opposite of my original question - would code compiled under 10.2b be compatible with a 10.2a environment.

Sorry about the initial confusion.


Going backwards is a bit "sketchier". If the r-code takes advantage of a new 10.2B feature it will crash when run on 10.2A. If it does not then it will run.
This sample code works fine in 10.2B. The com control wrapper classes (identified by a specific annotation on the class in the .NET IL code) were filtered by the AVM to be unusable in 10.2A due to limitations. This limitation is removed in 10.2B.