
  1. V

    Question smtpmail.p; Can we save the email to *.eml

    Hi, We use smtpmail.p for emailing and would like to archive all the emails being sent out. There is the special debugging using MsgFile. But this only logs all the connections and data being written/read. Is there a way to generate/save the email as an eml/msg file. Thank you, Venky
  2. A

    Question Abl: Send Email With Query Results Concatenated In Body

    I had the following query working with the "first" result showing up. The issue is there can be multiple rows returned. I was trying to concatenate each row (just 1 field) into a comma separated character variable and put it in the email body. The code complies but I never get an email. This...
  3. A

    How To Send Email From The Application System

    I am currently using simplemail from adiscon to send email from my application system. We have our own server. so it is fairly simple. I am afraid this simplemail is very old version. We may also not use our own email server. Is there any other way of sending email not using our email server...
  4. C

    Receive e-mail in Progress

    Hi Progress people, I have a requirement to implement a system that * monitors an e-mail account * downloads and save the e-mail body text * strips out the attachments and decodes them. Have any of you attempted such a thing in Progress? I have knocked up a rough proof of concept...