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    Word Instance Exists

    Hi all, Progress v9.1d Windows XP, but must run from 98- MS Office XP, but must run from 97- It's been a while since I posted last and wondered if any of you could shed light on a particular problem I am having. We have an application that allows a users to create guarantees and a standard...
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    Goddam! submitRow override !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please help, Progress 9.1b - Appserver - Ever-looming deadline. I have been scouring the forum for this getNewRow function that can be used within the submitRow override. I am trying to check, within the submitRow, whether an entry is a newrecord so as to append the next userID from a...
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    Goddamm submitRow over-ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :dead: :dead: :dead: Please help, Progress 9.1b - Appserver - Ever-looming deadline. I have been scouring the forum for this getNewRow function that can be used within the submitRow override. I am trying to check, within the submitRow, whether an entry is a newrecord so as to append...
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    Smart Business Object - Help!

    Could somebody please explain to me how the Smart Business Object should be used over the AppServer. I am running 9.1B and the SBO works great when a connection to the database is present, but when I try to run using appserver it will not run. The SBO has two SDO one for holding document...
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    Anyone tried using DirectX in Progress?

    Just wondered if anyone had successfully used any form of DirectX into a progress interface. I am thinking about using Direct3D to display interactive parts information in a stock control system through the .x format? Any replies would be welcome. Ashley Tyler.
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    Capturing connection errors!

    Good day all, Is it possible to trap errors resulting from connection errors such as; appserver <name> not found at host etc This is causing problems with users getting terribly irate when for example an appserver has been stopped for any reason. Any help will be...
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    Logging of Port or Processes for AppServer

    Hello everybody, I have been tasked by my Manager to update our Login System to facilitate the logging of the Port or Process ID that a user is currently using during the execution of an application. This should allow us to kill off a process or AppServer should the program crash or fail...
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    Common Dialogs

    Can anybody please help. I have a requirement to use the File Open common dialog in my Progress Application. This I would have thought would be simple enough due to the ActiveX comdlg32.ocx control. Upon using this I have a Valid COM handle to the object, but when I try to execute the...
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    Timed Logout

    I would like to post to the group a request for information on any way an active application can be terminated if left inactive for a set period of time? Thanks in advance.