Recent content by Patrickorigo

  1. P


    I will present the code here, it will take a couple of days before I have the time to present it in a proper way and in english (guess that you don't read Swedish :) ) /Patrick
  2. P


    I have made some programs that goes via Com-port and uses PDQComm (now SAXcomm ?) and PS-Timer. It requires a modem that can read CallerID and transfer it to the comm-port, if you want to view who's calling. Twice every second I read the Info from the modem and extract the calling phone number...
  3. P

    Can anyone see if this code can be any quicker

    Your code: "FOR EACH ordstat WHERE ordstat.kord-date >= 02/01/07 AND ordstat.kord-date <= 03/01/07 NO-LOCK:" You should also be aware that this includes 1st of march, if you only want the month february, (1st to 28th febr) the second equal sign should be taken away like this "FOR EACH ordstat...
  4. P

    Error in method saveas

    As I understand you are trying to write a file to a networked drive where you don't know if you have permission to write. One way to find out is to do it like this DEFINE VARIABLE LC_catalog AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. LC_catalog = "Z:\". FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME = LC_catalog. IF FILE-INFO:FILE-TYPE =...
  5. P

    Annoying small bugs

    Just got att message from Progress saying that probably will the copy-and-paste memory for 9 copies be restored in version 10.1C /Patrick
  6. P

    Annoying small bugs

    Hi everybody, I'm using 9.1D and 10.1A and the build-in editors supplied from Progress. Ever since version 7.3 there has been an annoying bug in the Replace box - when the question "Replace this occurence" comes, it pops up in the center of my screen. I want to move it to the side and away from...
  7. P

    How to Monitor client connection

    Hi, Don't know if this solves your problem, but the main reason for unreleased connections is that there are processes running in the Window client. If a Progress instance is finished the wrong way, it may disappear from the screen but is still visisble in the Task manager under the Program...
  8. P

    Combo box

    You find the combo-box among the Icons in the AppBuilder. Drag it to the window you are working with and rename it to a suitable name. If you like you can then attach it to a database field. /Patrick
  9. P

    Combo box

    sorry to say that I have learned this only by hard work - I haven't found any good books. Regards, Patrick
  10. P

    Combo box

    /* first you emty it, you can use it in runtime or load it in local-initialize*/ cb_box:LIST-ITEM = "". /* then you select your data from table */ FOR EACH <TABLE> NO-LOCK WHERE .... [expression] BY [expression]: cb_box:ADD-LAST([field1]). END. /*...