Recent content by JeremyGiberson

  1. JeremyGiberson

    Cross platform replication

    We would like to set up replication for our database, however while reading the OpenEdge Replication white paper it stated the replication was not capable of replicating across endian different platforms. Our primary database resides on an IBM AIX box (big endian), and where we want to placed...
  2. JeremyGiberson

    How to execut a line of code in a char variable

    I'm currently trying to achieve the same thing. My current solution is to write my code to a temporary file then use run tempfile.p to execute it. I'm still looking for a better solution if any one knows. Thanks.
  3. JeremyGiberson

    Help with SQL statement

    So long as your table field length is shorter than your desired length (ie 11 vs 20) then you can use a simple pad function to get the desired result. Example: Also there is LPAD which will pad the string on the left instead of the right. Either function accepts a third parameter which is...
  4. JeremyGiberson

    [notice] child pid 32974 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

    We experienced a very similar issue to this when we were configuring our new webserver. If it the same issue we were having you can fix the issue by recompiling apache with the correct options. Unfortunately I do not have the link to the original article that explained what was causing the...
  5. JeremyGiberson

    Progress DB Engine Is Stupid About Some Things

    BCM, I understand that, I am suggesting a way to quicken the time it takes to realize nothing is going to be selected and thus return your column set.
  6. JeremyGiberson

    Progress DB Engine Is Stupid About Some Things

    Order of testing I do not want to contribute to the "why progress debate" but I wanted to address the issue speeding up the select. With my experience working with odbc and the SQL-92 the order of conditionals in the SQL statement affect the speed of the initial select. For instance where a...
  7. JeremyGiberson

    SQL statement crashing the SQL broker

    Hi BCM, Thanks for the reply. Currently we are busily updating a bunch of stuff after a network change last night so I don't have time to play around with the query right now, but I did want to say a few things. When I was reading the SQL-92 reference the reference for the nest query actually...
  8. JeremyGiberson

    SQL statement crashing the SQL broker

    I am posting to find out if any one has heard of an sql statement crashing the SQL broker. Today, I was trying to perform a select statement with a nested query, when I executed the the SQL statement odbc errored with a "Server not reachable or possible RPC error". We were unable to get the...