Recent content by Cappie

  1. C

    Imported files from progress to Sql/MySql cant use cridentials?

    That argument i truely understand. I think this is where i lose everyone. I dont want to re-create the function, meaning, i want to make a function call like : if progress.verifyPassword(textbox1.text, "dbfield") == true"login ok") I dont need to know the inner workings of...
  2. C

    Using MySQL with Progress

    we use something similar, but from progress 10.1c and MySql windows version. Create a dump file. (*.d) from progress db. Import into Mysql using : LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'C:/Projects/Proclin/Wellness2/DatadumpJaco/accounttype.imp' INTO TABLE wellness.importacctype FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'...
  3. C

    Imported files from progress to Sql/MySql cant use cridentials?

    Hi requested a acceptance on skype.....
  4. C

    Imported files from progress to Sql/MySql cant use cridentials?

    Thanx for the swift reply We are in the process of re-writing the system, we have a couple of webservice calls, that uses pro-datasets. The proof-of-concept is done already, we are just waiting for a sigh-off for project kick-off. The re-write entails a re-design regarding security, and the...
  5. C

    Imported files from progress to Sql/MySql cant use cridentials?

    Our company serves the medical industry with services from hospital management, hospital stock, practise managent, pharmacy stock etc. As well as a wellness module. Currently only patients in Hospital or clinics assessments can be done. The client requested a stand-alone app where nurses can go...
  6. C

    Imported files from progress to Sql/MySql cant use cridentials?

    Our company serves the medical industry with services from hospital management, hospital stock, practise managent, pharmacy stock etc. As well as a wellness module. Currently only patients in Hospital or clinics assessments can be done. The client requested a stand-alone app where nurses can go...