Why is OpenAccess the Right Tool for Application Integration

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Dion Picco

What sets your application apart? Most of the time, it’s your market expertise. That knowledge is priceless, isn’t it? It powers your business and keeps your customers happy. It’s your most valuable resource.

But is expertise enough? When it comes to reporting, BI, and SaaS integration, do you have the right plan and the right tools to build the best solution?

For OpenEdge applications, DataDirect OpenAccess is the best answer for securely integrating your application with virtually all reporting tools and BI analytics. It’s compatible with all versions and architectures of OpenEdge applications and can be implemented without application changes. It’s highly embeddable for ISVs, and it offers the extreme performance and control required by all data-intensive applications, even within the enterprise.

Many OpenEdge customers are familiar with the ODBC driver included in the OpenEdge platform. It connects directly to the OpenEdge database, passing all queries to the OpenEdge SQL engine. OpenAccess does it differently. It accesses your OpenEdge application’s business logic layer instead of directly accessing the underlying database.

What’s the advantage of that? It’s transformative. Your OpenEdge application appears as a standard data source, compatible with nearly all your reporting and BI tools. These tools can now discover and connect to your app like it was any OS-registered database driver. Bottom line: OpenAccess lets you expose your application as an ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET or even OLE DB interface for the broadest integration compatibility.

Oh, one more high-value capability: Custom drivers can be deployed into DataDirect Cloud, giving you the option of exposing your application to a much broader audience and giving all your data a voice across the entire organization.

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