v9.1B Smart Objects


New Member

I have just started coding in smart objects - and have to finish this code very soon, orders of the management. My program is set out like this:

Employee SDO --> Employee SDV
Share Options SDO --> Share Options SDV
Share Options SDB.

The Employee SDO and Share Options SDO are linked by a foreign field, Employee Number.

I occasionally have to re-open the employee query and order it by surname instead of employee number... when I do this, the query positions itself to the first employee and I then have to reposition it back to where it started. During this process the SDV is momentarily placed at the first employee and you can see its details.

- an SDB can be disabled by:

BrowseName:Refreshable = FALSE.
{open query}.
BrowseName:Refreshable = TRUE.

Are there any similar solutions for the SDV? I need to find a way for it not to show the first record everytime the query is reopened has anyone got any ideas?



Ashley Tyler

New Member
Try disabling the OpenOnInit function to False.

This will prevent the SDV from displaying the data as the query will not open.

Programatically change the query and then open the query.

This should then open the query and display the data in the newly formatted query.

Hope this helps.