Wolfgang Schölmberger
Hi everybody,
OE12.8, Win 10
I have to create a program to monitor incoming phone-calls. All I have to do is getting the phone-number, nothing more ! The vendor of the telefone-system states that it can be accessed using TAPI 2.1. As I understand, the latest version delivered with Windows is TAPI 3.0, but I think that should not be a problem, because what I have to do is just „basic-code“, and there should’nt be any difference between 2.1 and 3.0.
As I‘m just a simple database-programmer and have absolutely no clue of TAPI, I would need some help. I found the following code (i know this is OLE and I want to go with the DLL), but at least it gave me a start.
But now I don’t know how to go on.
Any help would be thankfully appreciated, best would of course be some code-snippets, if somebody would be willing to share…
TIA, Wolf
OE12.8, Win 10
I have to create a program to monitor incoming phone-calls. All I have to do is getting the phone-number, nothing more ! The vendor of the telefone-system states that it can be accessed using TAPI 2.1. As I understand, the latest version delivered with Windows is TAPI 3.0, but I think that should not be a problem, because what I have to do is just „basic-code“, and there should’nt be any difference between 2.1 and 3.0.
As I‘m just a simple database-programmer and have absolutely no clue of TAPI, I would need some help. I found the following code (i know this is OLE and I want to go with the DLL), but at least it gave me a start.
/**** 1. initialise ****/
CREATE "Tapi.Tapi" lc-Tapi.
/**** 2. select address 8 for audio ****/
DO lv-i = 1 TO lc-TapiCollAddress:COUNT:
lc-CrtAddress = lc-TapiColladdress:ITEM(lv-i).
lc-MediaSupport = lc-CrtAddress.
lv-ok = lc-MediaSupport:QueryMediaType(8). /* 8 for audio phone */
IF lv-ok THEN DO:
lc-TapiAddress = lc-TapiCollAddress:ITEM(lv-i)
lv-dialableaddress = lc-TapiAddress:DialableAddress
MESSAGE "~nDialableAddress:'" lv-dialableaddress
But now I don’t know how to go on.
Any help would be thankfully appreciated, best would of course be some code-snippets, if somebody would be willing to share…
TIA, Wolf