Answered Send SMTP with authentication


Hello, I need to send mails via SMTP from a Progress program.

I started trying with sockets-smtp.p, but our smtp server requieres authentication.

Is there a way to insert the SMTP user name and password in sockets-smtp.p or another sample code?

Progress 9.1C , Windows 2003 server, Windows 7 and 8 workstations. (We have already bought Openedge 11.3, but the current ERP in 9.1 is still working)

Thanks in advance.
Hi. Does it have to be a pure Progress solution or could you shell out to the OS to send the email?

Here is an open source Windows command line tool to send emails I've used it in past projects as its was just easy to impliment.

Also because it comes with the C# source code it is actually possible to recompile the code under Linux using mono.
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Hello, I kept searching and found smtpmailv5_8c.p, that is part of a great project in

(Too bad it has not updated since years)

It did the trick, my problem is now send a PDF attachment (TXT, CSV and others text files going well). I'll try more today)

Thanks for the link, I'll check it.