
I'm making a backup of a multi volume database with the command proback db-name device -com

at the time I'm restoring the database I'm receiving this error message :

prorest /data4/pilot86e/pilot86 /dev/rmt/0m
This is a full backup of /data9/wsw86e/wsw.db.
This backup was taken Mon Nov 27 00:31:27 2000.
It will require a minimum of 665167 blocks to restore.
/data4/pilot86e/pilot86 already exists.
Do you want to over write it? [y/n]: y
SYSTEM ERROR: Read of /dev/rmt/0m failed, errno = 5 (1052)
Remove volume 1 from /dev/rmt/0m. (3761)

Please prepare volume 2 on /dev/rmt/0m, press enter when ready or type "quit"

How can I tell to the prorest that the backup was made with the qualifier -com

I will apreciate any comment thank you.


Junior???? Member
It sounds to me, that your problem is reading the tape device, and not the fact that the backup is compressed (errno = 5 is an I/O error).

You do not have to specify that the backup was made with -com.

Some things you might want to check:

Are you allowed to read the tape device?
Is the backup made by another user?
Have you tried to read it with another tool - like dd? Try to copy the tape to disk, and restore from here.
