Progress with XML or JSON ?


New Member
good evening everyone. Now in Malaysia, we are introducing e-Invoice which need to link up to Poppel using XML or JSON. i'm wondering whether Progress can come out with XML or JSON file for integration (which CSV is no issue).

What version of Progress are you using?

If your Progress release is older than XML (or JSON) then, no, it won’t be supported. If your Progress release is reasonably modern then, yes, it is supported.
OpenEdge 10 certainly has lots of support for XML.

OE10 is 20 years old now and hasn't been a "current" release for a long, long time. I'm too lazy to look it up but I don't think that OE10 has much if any explicit JSON support. OTOH, JSON output is pretty trivial to create. Parsing JSON input is more of a challenge.
good evening everyone. Now in Malaysia, we are introducing e-Invoice which need to link up to Poppel using XML or JSON. i'm wondering whether Progress can come out with XML or JSON file for integration (which CSV is no issue).

10.2b supported xml. I an not sure 'json'. You'll can usr msn yo access services. May be youtube can wri tour own json ör xml parser. Sometimes it's practical way.
10.2b supported xml. I an not sure 'json'. You'll can usr msn yo access services. May be youtube can wri tour own json ör xml parser. Sometimes it's practical way.

JsonObjects are 11.0 and later. I think (per History of Progress Versions | The OpenEdge Hive) that WRITE-JSON on temp-tables and ProDataSets was 10.2B. If you can use those depends on whether the required data is in a "dataset format".

As @Hikmet_Alemdaroglu says, writing JSON isn't that hard (the one thing to remember is that the ABL doesn't like naked { characters in strings - you'll need to escape them in code with ~). It's also relatively easy to dynamically loop through the fields on any temp-table, read their data types, read their values, and write those to a JSON object.
Depends on data complexity

If data is linear or with just 1 or 2 levels of tree-nodes, either XML or JSON would be okay with OE10x
OE11/12 is obviously way forward as JSON is industry wide recommended for REST services which XML is for SOAP

OE10 with complex JSON will be time consuming in fixing bugs and custom handling of the data. OE10 sometimes fails with new data-types and their representations e.g. Double Quotes inside Double Quotes or as peter said handling of "curly brackets". There might be more.

Take a careful decision by looking into data complexities and possibilities to upgrade OE. You may also think on creating your own JSON parser which is again time-consuming in long-run of getting matured.

I am bit surprised to see both solutions (XML/JSON) being available together. Are you sure these are not linked with 2 different end-points which facilitate 2 different services like server-to-server vs REST API calls kind of. If so, you may need to decide for solution from business/operational level.
Depends on data complexity

If data is linear or with just 1 or 2 levels of tree-nodes, either XML or JSON would be okay with OE10x
OE11/12 is obviously way forward as JSON is industry wide recommended for REST services which XML is for SOAP

OE10 with complex JSON will be time consuming in fixing bugs and custom handling of the data. OE10 sometimes fails with new data-types and their representations e.g. Double Quotes inside Double Quotes or as peter said handling of "curly brackets". There might be more.

Take a careful decision by looking into data complexities and possibilities to upgrade OE. You may also think on creating your own JSON parser which is again time-consuming in long-run of getting matured.

I am bit surprised to see both solutions (XML/JSON) being available together. Are you sure these are not linked with 2 different end-points which facilitate 2 different services like server-to-server vs REST API calls kind of. If so, you may need to decide for solution from business/operational level.

I have recently seen some APIs that output the XML or JSON content base on the "Accept" HTTP header in the client web request.