Question Progress User Named/Seat License for developing platform

Good afternoon,

I had read the License Agreement (this question refer specifically to the point 3.4.2) and I would use Progress OpenEdge 11.7 product.

If I had 3 developers (with 3 User Named/Seat Licenses and only 1 product key for all these licenses) and I want to separate their environments into 3 different servers, with the same programs, configuration, product, etc.

Are those 3 servers considered part of a single Platform or may have troubles with this? (Platform => Point 3.1.8 of the agreement)

List of servers:
- server1: Progress OpenEdge 11.7 with 3 UN/S licenses. With only 1 real user.
- server2: Progress OpenEdge 11.7 with 3 UN/S licenses. With only 1 real user.
- server3: Progress OpenEdge 11.7 with 3 UN/S licenses. With only 1 real user.

I know you're not lawyers but I didn't find help in elsewhere.

PD: Progress Talk keeps telling me the link is spam and I just unlinked, added square brackets and left it below.
License Agreement = []/legal/license-agreements/openedge
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From 3.4.2:
A Named User License is a multi-server license in that it is not limited by Core, CPU or Server count, but the Product must be used on a single Platform.
One of the attributes of a Progress license model is whether it is single-server or multi-server. Named User is multi-server.

In your case, you can install this one license on your three servers.

You didn't mention which product this is. I mention that because some product use cases necessitate the purchase of other product licenses. For example, if the user is running a database application, you need a client-side license (e.g. Client Networking) and a server-side license (e.g. Enterprise RDBMS), typically on the same license model. In such an example, each application user consumes one seat of the client-side license and one seat of the server-side license.

On the other hand, if the product is used stand-alone (e.g. PDSOE or OE Studio), then the above paragraph doesn't apply. Hope this helps.