Progress DBA books


New Member

I am an Oracle\SQL Server DBA that inherited a progress system, so my progress knowledge needs some boosting.
Anyone know of any books or publications out there for Progress DB Administration.

Progress ships with E-Docs so you should be able to get your hands on those. They aren't bad but...

There are a number of people running courses on Progress Admin out there, some of whom have books they will sell to you. a man called Dan Foreman writes what is generally regarded as the most authoritative set on the subject.

There's nothing like a quick training course to assist. I would suggest that you contact Progress themselves (or Dan again!).

Lastly may I suggest that you go to and hang out on the dba list for a while. Generally it is a well regarded list and every type of question on Progress DBA, from Newbie to Expert, will usually get a sensible response.


I agree .. although you may really want to get a hold of the Oracle DataServer e-docs and have a read of the differences between the two. Then I'd suggest building your own database and having a "play".
