[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Speed up Index Rebuild

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>> not a small difference In Microsoft Azure they allow you to pick "premium" SSD disk that is hosted locally, or remote disk. Both are SSD. It is more expensive to use local disk in Azure. (But I know that's not what you were referring to). There are lots of variables to consider, that depend on how you use the database. Your users might not always need the expensive disk, depending on how frequently you need to do schema changes (outages). This may come down to some very simple factors ... like how often data is written vs read, and how much data comes from your buffer pool rather than from the physical disk. The nice thing about setting up hardware in the cloud is that you can switch back and forth and see what your customers are willing to afford. In the cloud you might even be able to "cheat" and switch back and forth as needed. IE. use local disk for certain uncommon operations that only happen once a quarter (index rebuilds, dump/loads, etc) while using remote disk for day-to-day purposes.

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