[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Schema Area Extent

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Rob Fitzpatrick

Do you know the history of those DBs? Is it possible the schema area contained many objects in the past, and they have been moved into Type II areas? Those are some very large schema areas. Mine area typically 10 MB or less, with over 1300 schema objects. Given the size totals for records and indexes you've given, the extends weren't caused buy the data that's there now. What is the HWM of the area? find dictdb._area no-lock where _area._area-number = 6. find dictdb._areastatus no-lock where _areastatus._areastatus-areanum = _area._area-number. display _area._area-blocksize _areastatus._areastatus-hiwater _areastatus._areastatus-totblocks .

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