[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Progress Startup Parameters by Versions

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Kyle Monico

Yes, we allocate the maximum at startup and allow changing the parameter to control the number of _Checkpoint records in the VST. > But the increasing (from 1 to 1024) the -numCheckpointStats through _DbParams increases the used shared memory by 160 bytes. It's a bit strange, isn't it? Yes, that would be a bit strange. I don't believe the 160 bytes are from changing the parameter. Instead, those bytes are from the first assignment of the in memory user structure. With a DB started with the defaults, the "Status: Shared Memory Segments" screen in promon shows X bytes in the used column. When I connect a self-service client, I see X+160 bytes in the used column for the only segment. When the client logs out, the used portion is still X+160. Login a new client that would take the same user number and the used column doesn't change. When I then change the -numCheckpointStats through _DbParams, the used column doesn't change. Do you see this behavior as well or are you also seeing the value change as a direct result of changing the parameter?

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