[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: PASOE - Setting different environment vars per app

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Thanks Michael. I was afraid that would be the case. While I wouldn't call that a bug, I'd call it a shortcoming. Since different ABL apps on the same instance can have different propaths, it's vital that they can have different webrunpaths. Running the compatibility handler without using that is a security risk. Having different apps share the same one is a security risk for both. My temporary workaround is going to be creating a session startup procedure to poke the webrunpath variable into the global shared temp-table ttAgentSetting, which is being setup in web-util.p. There are several other WebSpeed-related environment variables that web-util reads in, most of them having come in from FreeFramework a long time ago. I'm not sure how many of them still apply in a PASOE world, but it seems like either web-util.p should change, or Progress should add some method of specifying environment variables per app. I can't say how common it is for WebSpeed apps to use environment variables outside of what was used for the FFW enhancements, but it probably does happen. I'll post sample code later, in case someone else runs into this problem.

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