[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Cannot Monitoring Pas For Oe...

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Matt Baker

A few things to check. 1. make sure the 'oemanager' web application is installed and started properly. Without it, OEM cannot do much with your PAS instance besides start/stop. You can do so in PAS if you installed the tomcat 'manager' application, or within OEM itself. Try to access it from a web browser using https:// : :/oemanager. Make sure you get a login prompt and provide the user+password (defaults to tomcat:tomcat) and do not get a 404 (usually you just get a blank page). 2. By default OEM is configured to use HTTPS port when setting up a PAS instance. Check to make sure it matches your PAS instance configuration, or switch it to use HTTP. You might need to turn on "no host verify". 3. Check the password used by OEM to talk to the 'oemanager' web application. Default is tomcat:tomcat, but some browsers may have filled in different values automatically when creating the PAS instance. If you didn't correct the browser auto-fill, OEM cannot talk to the oemanager application since it will have the wrong values. Correct these on the configuration page. 3. Check the log files to make sure requests to 'oemanager' application are succeeding.

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