[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: Getting remote server returned an error (500) internal server error

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OE 12.0 I am testing a system for a company, and it has been running smooth until I was creating two new instances using the following script: @echo off set instanse=%1% set port=%2% set portStart=30%2% set portSecure=88%2% set /a portSTOP=%portStart%+1 set /a portAJP13=%portSTOP%+1 echo ##Port %portStart% %portSecure% %portSTOP% %portAJP13% call pasman create -v -p %portStart% -P %portSecure% -s %portSTOP% -j %portAJP13% -m admin:eek:penedge -Z dev %instanse% call pasman test -I %instanse% ________________________________ createPASOE.cmd pasTest 50 createPASOE.cmd pasUtv 60 I allready had a pasBAFO running on port 3030 created using createPASOE.cmd pasBAFO 30 and that has been running without any problems. Suddenly I got 500 error on pasUtv, and it still worked swell on pasBAFO. I did a restart of the server to see if that could have any impact, but no luck, and then I got the 500 error on pasBAFO as well. Where do I look for errors? I can see no errors in the admsrv.lg, and there is some logfiles for each service.... //Geir Otto

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