[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Cannot Compile Generated Uib...

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Patrick Tingen

I have enabled the strict compile options in DevStudio (Project Properties > Progress OpenEdge > Build > Compile) to accept only full keywords. When I create a new window from within DevStudio that same file holds abbreviated keywords in the generated parts, hence generating errors. The following code is an example of what is generated: /* Define the widget handle for the window */ DEFINE VAR C-Win AS WIDGET-HANDLE NO-UNDO. /* ************************ Frame Definitions *********************** */ DEFINE FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME WITH 1 DOWN NO-BOX KEEP-TAB-ORDER OVERLAY SIDE-LABELS NO-UNDERLINE THREE-D AT COL 1 ROW 1 SIZE 80 BY 16 WIDGET-ID 100. The keywords 'VAR' and 'COL' are causing problems here. If I change it to full keywords, the UIB changes it back to abbreviated keywords the moment I change anything and save it. Is this a known issue?

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