ProDataSet Relationships

I feel like I'm being really stupid here. I co-working brought me a problem similar to this code snippet:

def temp-table masterGroup
  field groupid   as char
  field groupdesc as char
  INDEX idxid is primary unique groupid.

DEF temp-table masterDetail
  field groupid as char
  field component as char
INDEX idxid is primary unique groupid component.

DEF temp-table Groupings
  field groupingcd   as char
  field groupid   as char
  field component as char
INDEX idxid is primary unique groupingcd groupid component.

DEFINE DATASET MyDS FOR masterGroup,masterDetail,Groupings
DATA-RELATION DataRelationMaster FOR masterGroup,masterDetail
DATA-RELATION DataRelationGroupings FOR masterDetail,Groupings
RELATION-FIELDS (groupID,groupID,component,component).

The issue is while "Groupings" will fill in full it can't perform save-row-changes() since the unique constraints are not fully defined. Should I perform some kind of after row fill to maintain the rowid? Any insight into solving my ignorance would be appreciated.

Thanks advance,
