Printing solutions with WebClient ?


Even if i know the subject has already been highlighted in a lot of threads, i would like you to share your opinions about printing solutions, considering a web application running with WebClient.

As far as i know, using Report Builder isn't still possible with WebClient, as RB needs to be closely linked to database.

Which of the following solutions have you experienced and what are the problems you have encountered ? Which one is the most powerful, considering reports that have to be generated are complex ones, even if their code has to be rewritten ?

- Vsview
- Xprint
- Viper
- others ? (VPE, Crystal Reports, etc...)

Thanks for answering :awink:

We have operated with Viper through V8 and V9.

Unfortuneately, we cannot seem to get its graphical interface to work, so we had to hard-code locations. After an initial period of sitting with rulers measuring out what was required, we have experienced no problems.


New Member
Originally posted by KubiaK
Even if i know the subject has already been highlighted in a lot of threads, i would like you to share your opinions about printing solutions, considering a web application running with WebClient.

As far as i know, using Report Builder isn't still possible with WebClient, as RB needs to be closely linked to database.

Which of the following solutions have you experienced and what are the problems you have encountered ? Which one is the most powerful, considering reports that have to be generated are complex ones, even if their code has to be rewritten ?

- Vsview
- Xprint
- Viper
- others ? (VPE, Crystal Reports, etc...)

Thanks for answering :awink:



I would advise you to try RepGen. RepGen is independent on architecture. We have successfully tested our product in terminal–server environment and also in n-tier architecture (WebSpeed, WebClient, Progress GUI etc.)


New Member
Printing with WebClient

I can recommend List&Labels ( It is a widely known Windows component which can be integrated seamlessly into your application. The big advantage of L&L is that it has very good design component which can be customized for end-user needs.

If you´re interested: we have written a library which makes live easier to access the L&L framework from Progress.

I don´t know RepGen! Is there somebody who can give more information about it?



New Member
Re: Printing with WebClient

Originally posted by mbraun
I can recommend List&Labels ( It is a widely known Windows component which can be integrated seamlessly into your application. The big advantage of L&L is that it has very good design component which can be customized for end-user needs.

If you´re interested: we have written a library which makes live easier to access the L&L framework from Progress.

I don´t know RepGen! Is there somebody who can give more information about it?


For more information about RepGen see If you have some question I will be pleased to answer.


New Member

The points to examine are :
1) if it (really) works with your environment,
2) if it's easy to interface with your software.

We have made xPrint with a coding efficiency not seen in other products. In France, the VITALE card is being used with xPrint though a WEBCLIENT application by A2I, VITACLIC: at this time more than 1750 users are using xPrint through this interface.

All other solutions are, of course, excellent too.

Best regards,


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: