Price list Analysis Conversion

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Still enjoying the ride on conversion 7.3k to 8.6e.

The 7.3k system had a simple pricing model. Each customer was assigned
a Disc Tbl: reference which either pointed to:
a: one record price list showing flat % off current list price.
b: a price list of a bunch items, eg: "1998 Pricing". Those
item price lists are not customer specific and are share by many

The conversion did an apparently admirable job of taking the 7.3k price
lists, building Analysis Codes, and linking them. The What-if Pricing
Inquiry matched the 8.6e pricing.

Now the question comes up as to what I need to do in adding a new customer
and plugging it into the same scheme? The Analysis Codes generation does
not appear to mimic the conversion behavior of looking at the Disc Tbl:
field and linking it to a list. I've run 1.8.1, 1.8.4, 1.8.7, 1.8.13
and added records just like the existing records,
and still the What-If? doesn't see the discount list. I've tried
using 1.8.20 Analysis Code Copy and it still doesn't show the discount
list. PLEASE tell me I don't have to run Analysis Code Detail Build
every time I add a customer? I've turned on the AC customer regen
flags in the Pricing Control File and it still doesn't fly.

Neal Rhodes MNOP Ltd (770)- 972-5430
President Lilburn (atlanta) GA 30247 Fax: 978-4741

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
The only time the automatic regen works is on the initial add of the
customer. I am not sure from your email if the customer # is part of
your analysis code criteria (therefore needing the customer # to be
setup before you add the analysis code criteria), if you are the
following applies: Any analysis codes added after the fact would
require a build. I have the detail analysis code build in my weekly
batch run.

Debi Loope
PI Inc.

Chris Kelleher

Staff member

I went through the exact same pain when I did our upgrade from 7.4 to 8.5
last year. QAD couldn't give me much help on this issue. I have to read
through the handbook line by line. Luckily I figured out a work around after
a few testing. When I convert the database, I didn't convert the price list.
Otherwise, it will create a whole bunch of AC for each customer. Instead, I
CIM load all the existing price lists to the new DB after conversion. And
make them all "manual" price list, so you can manually select the price list
from 2.1.1 when you place your order, just like the way it is before.
(People always hate changes.)

Only a couple of months later, I started building new price list structure,
from analysis code to price list.
I need to work with our sales dept a lot. And make sure they understand it
and finally take it over. Anyway that's how I survived.

To simply answer your questions, you don't have run AC Regen every time you
have a new customer. There is an option is Go ahead to check it
out. But there are a lot more you nee to handle.

Hope it helps,
Good luck,

Yizhi Wang, CPIM
Leatherman Tool Group

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
In our situation, we frequently take an order for a new customer
and ship that afternoon. We can't wait for detail analysis code build
to run.

I've been trying to figure out the relationships in the an_mstr and
ans_det files, which appear to drive this. It seems they aren't
mentioned at all in the 8.6e file relationships docs.

I know this is a "short term" approach, while we attempt to figure out
what the sales group really wants to do with analysis codes.
Unfortunately, there won't be a long term if we can't ship orders.