Option to suppress the logentry followed by a return error in an appserver connect procedure

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Roel de Wildt

Hello, I think there should be an option to suppress the following logentry in the appserver logfile when doing a RETURN ERROR in an appserver connect procedure. P-000012 T-002052 1 AS -- appstd2/connect.p connect procedure ended with an ERROR condition. (8025) The RETURN ERROR could be enhanced by example a NO-LOG options so the statement will look as follow: RETURN ERROR NO-LOG RETURN-VALUE . The current problem is that the appserver logfile is being flooded by this message because I use this option to return some needed login information back to the client, without the client being able to login and execute procedures on the appserver. The current workaround is that I log a extra entry in the logfile so we could manually see the difference between real errors and programmately forced errors in a appserver connect procedure to deny the login attempt. Now the logfile is being flooded by these messages we could not easy see the real errors any more.

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