Nightly Processing/Batch, What is it doing ?


New Member
Since switching from a Unix DB to Windows DB, our support provider set up a script to run every night. We have noticed that some times the DB doesn't come back online after running and on those occasions, our nightly queue won't process and we will have to wait till the next day.

Could someone let me know what's happening with the command:

call c:\dlc\bin\proutil maindb -C truncate bi -G 0


our full batch file that is run at night (until we manually stopped it in windows scheduler) looks like this:

~~~ dbmaint.bat ~~~
@echo on
call c:\dlc\bin\dbman -stop -database maindb
call c:\dlc\bin\dbman -stop -database symlic
call c:\dlc\bin\proutil maindb -C truncate bi -G 0
call d:\syteline.db\dbstartup.bat
call d:\syteline.db\scripts\qstart.bat

~~~ dbstartup.bat ~~~
call c:\dlc\bin\dbman -start -database symlic
call c:\dlc\bin\dbman -start -database maindb
call c:\dlc\bin\dbman -start -database maindbcopy

~~~ qstart.bat ~~~
copy c:\syteline\batch\queue.lst c:\syteline\batch\queue
start c:\dlc\bin\prowin32.exe -basekey ini -pf d:\syteline.db\ -p c:\syteline\batch\s-rpt.r -ininame c:\syteline\symix.ini -b

Current Server Information:
Syteline 5.02.10
Progress 9.1b27
Windows 2000 Server SP4
call c:\dlc\bin\proutil maindb -C truncate bi -G 0

It's calling the c:\dlc\bin\proutil.bat file and truncating the before image file. -G 0 means to wait 0 seconds to do it (30 seconds by default).

You have a service provider doing this?

You'll need to read/post the database log's to find the problem, but you should probably should be probably use _progres.exe instead of _prowin32.exe to run a batch process.


New Member
~~~ proutil.bat ~~~

@echo off
if "%DLC%"=="" set DLC=C:\DLC
type "%DLC%"\version
"%DLC%\bin\_proutil" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


our support provider for the syteline / progress helped us configure all this.
besides what i have here, i have very little experience with all of this.


Truncating the bi file every night is unnecessary and harmful to performance. You should not be doing this routinely. It is a bad idea.

If you insist on doing it anyway you should also do a "proutil dbname -C bigrow 8 -G 0" afterwards to undo the performance damage that truncate bi does.

(The problem is that users will have to wait for bi clusters to be formatted before they can be used. This wait step is quite noticeable at times.)

Truncating the bi file is sensible when the bi file has grown to an extraordinary size due to an exceptional and uncontrolled process, when upgrading from one version of Progress to the next or when certain utilities perform it automatically as part of their function.


New Member
Nightly Processing/Batch What is it doing

I dont know if this helps, but whenever i batch process i dont let it automatically save the files. I found evertime i choose the save feature it would ask for the quality.