Im spinning around

Darren Murray

New Member
Hi everyone,

Firstly no Im not a Kylie Minogue fan.

We are running a HP L1000 with 2 360MHz processors
and 2Gb Ram with a AutoRaid enclosure.

The start up parameters are as follows

-L 20000
-c 250
-B 200000
-n 200
-spin 500

I found the server to be context switching very high at up to 8000.

So firstly we disabled the CPU....stopped the switching, performance decreased only slightly. Spin was set to 5000

We have now switched the CPU backon and switching is back high again.

I presume that its because the SQL calls arent Multi-threaded in the application?

If anyone can shed some light on what spin parameter should be set to or some other brilliant idea I would greatly appreciate it.


Can you tell me the followings?
- DB block size
- DB size
- Have you got self-service or remote clients
- Output of
# vmstat 5
command for 60 seconds period
- Activity screen from promon (for 5 minutes)
