Help a newbie please...


New Member
Hi all,
I m a Network Admin, not database admin and have no clue on progress or syteline database. Recently, the company decided to let the database admin go and told me to learn as much as i can to support a database side.:biggrin:
Today, i received the request to modify a user permission and i look every where and could not find where i can add, remove or modify user permission. Please help.
Syteline 5.02; Progress 9.1.



New Member
To maintain SL user permissions you have to log into SL with a username that itself has authorization to modify permissions. Once in the app, go to File / Users / Authorizations. Then do an Edit / Find / User and find the user you want to modify. Now select Edit / Find / Function (enter the function name). Now Edit / Update and change the check boxes to give the user the required permissions. That's it. You can use List / List to see all permissions for the user. There are reports to view permissions as well. Good Luck, Jim