Forum Post: RE: Workgroup/ENT DB Licensing - Remote Connection

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NO QUIERO RECIBIR MAS E-MAILS QUITARME DE LA LISTA POR FAVOR GRACIAS De: rblanchard [] Enviado el: miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014 13:58 Para: Asunto: [Technical Users - OE Deployment] Workgroup/ENT DB Licensing - Remote Connection Workgroup/ENT DB Licensing - Remote Connection Thread created by rblanchard We have created an application deployment server that runs an OE 11.4 ENT DB and Appserver. This server is currently sitting in our office. Our applications have been updated to fetch deployment info from this new server as well as 'phone home' each day. This allows us to enable/disable modules within our application as well as disable the application for customers who are renting the app and have decided to stop paying us. The 'phone home' process occurs on the 'on premise' server. The issue we just uncovered is a DB license does not support a connection to an appserver. About 15% of our customers who are migrating from older versions are not running an appserver and are running client/server. The 'on premise' server will either be running Workgroup DB or ENT DB and while the runtime allows a GUI application to run it does not allow a remote connection. My question is will this licensing restriction change soon? I am trying to determine if I need to change our 'phone home' process from an ABL CLIENT to ABL APPSERVER connection to a .NET WebClient to WebService connection. I would prefer the first option but it will not work for all my customers and I cannot sell them an appserver. I am also curious as to why this restriction exists. I know it has been this way for as long as I can remember but trying to understand the rationale. I appreciate any input. Thank You. Stop receiving emails on this subject. Flag this post as spam/abuse.

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