Forum Post: RE: Using the comdlg32.dll in a 64bit progress client

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Matt Gilarde

The size of the 64-bit OPENFILENAME structure is 152 bytes. The offsets are listed below. Pointers and handles are aligned on 8-byte boundaries so there is some structure padding after some of the DWORDs.
 DWORD lStructSize; 0 HWND hwndOwner; 8 HINSTANCE hInstance; 16 LPCTSTR lpstrFilter; 24 LPTSTR lpstrCustomFilter; 32 DWORD nMaxCustFilter; 40 DWORD nFilterIndex; 44 LPTSTR lpstrFile; 48 DWORD nMaxFile; 56 LPTSTR lpstrFileTitle; 64 DWORD nMaxFileTitle; 72 LPCTSTR lpstrInitialDir; 80 LPCTSTR lpstrTitle; 88 DWORD Flags; 96 WORD nFileOffset; 100 WORD nFileExtension; 102 LPCTSTR lpstrDefExt; 104 LPARAM lCustData; 112 LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook; 120 LPCTSTR lpTemplateName; 128 void *pvReserved; 136 DWORD dwReserved; 144 DWORD FlagsEx; 148 [code]

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