Forum Post: Re: New Ui - How To Intercept Form Submission (quick Create) ?

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Siraj, I actually have another issue with what you are suggesting : I need to open many popups successively, as I am asking for validation on a list of items, but doing this validation on the items one by one (one popup per item). So I am not really using your code as it is mainly working for opening the popup ONLY once. Instead I am doing this : $("#theForm").submit(function(e){ return false; }); on document.ready when the QC page opens. Then I have a function onSubmitHandler() am calling as an event on submit of the page. This function opens the first popup, and carries on with the validation by opening other popups if more items are there. Until now it is working fine. Now when I am done with all the items , I want to submit the form. How can I achieve that please? I tried $("#theForm").submit(function(e){ return true }); and formNode.submit(); But none of these is submitting the form. How can I do this please? Thank you Meryem

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